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Postpartum weight loss — basic knowledge of mothers notice

1, what is the post natal to lose weight
Postpartum weight loss refers to women in the production after weight loss.

2, postpartum weight loss of time
Postpartum weight loss is generally recommended began at the end of lactation, no start breastfeeding recommendations after caesarean, suggested in the beginning of the knife edge after recovery.

3, postpartum weight loss principle:
● good pregnancy weight control. Maintain the standard weight during pregnancy, postpartum can easily lose weight. Basically the first pregnant women throughout pregnancy, weight average increased 12 ~ 15 kg can; second more women, an average increase of about 10 ~ 12 kg.
● the month after the diet with low fat, high protein food postpartum weight recovery need to intake of low fat, high protein food, such as chicken, beef, pork, fish, abalone, sea cucumber, etc..

4,Note post natal to lose weight:love baby
●Don't go on a diet to lose weight
●The most important diet
●Exercise is very important
●Confidence is the most important
●Breastfeeding can reduce weight not credible

5, please remember the three step
The first step: to establish the correct concept
Six months postpartum new mothers slimming is the golden period of. But just delivery soon new mother can not be blind dieting. Because just finished production, the body has not been fully restored to pre pregnancy level, and some new mothers also bears a heavy task of feeding, at this time is the need to supplement nutrition.

Postpartum diet mandatory, not only will lead to new mothers body recovery slow, serious can also cause postpartum complications. While taking the weight loss drug more undesirable. Lactating mothers take drug reducing weight, most of the drug will be discharged from the milk, which is equal to the baby also follow you eat a lot of drugs.

The second step: to adjust the diet
Remind her mother here, postpartum diet to slim and smooth, have a vital role. To ensure the baby and new mother nutritional intake is sufficient, the diet should be rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, such as fish, lean meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables.

The third step: the appropriate aerobic exercise:
Second days after production, the mother can walk, and more blood loss, low blood pressure and cesarean section mothers, third bed around the world better. Mother should adhere to three principles in postpartum exercise:
1, avoid strenuous exercise.
2, is the choice of light, moderate intensity aerobic exercise, and to persevere, so conducive to weight loss, and can effectively prevent the rebound after weight loss.
3, avoid by all means is quick mentality and lazy good alternate escape mentality. On the one hand can not give up halfway, occasionally greedy snooze; on the other hand, do not be anxious for success, sometimes into the gym for hours. To calm the mind and the ground of postpartum weight loss.

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